Taking a picture of each other’s information on your phone is a quick way to exchange information accurately!
When Should a Driver Attend a CRC?
Any driver involved in a reportable property damage collision is to report the collision at a CRC. Police units will be dispatched to the scene when one or more of the following situations apply.
Police Will Investigate a Collision on Scene When:
- The collision involves injury or death.
- Criminal activity is involved in the collision (e.g. any suspicion of alcohol, stolen vehicle, assault, etc.).
- The collision involves Federal, Provincial or Municipal vehicles (including TTC).
- The collision involves vehicles transporting dangerous goods.
- The collision involves a person who is uninsured or is a suspended driver.
- The collision involves damage to private, municipal or highway property.
- Collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists who have been injured (In the event the cyclist or pedestrian do not remain at the scene of the collision, it can subsequently be reported at a Collision Reporting Centre).
Action to be Taken by All Drivers Before Attending a Collision Reporting Centre:
- If it is safe to do so, remove vehicles from roadway.
- Exchange information with the other involved parties (names, drivers licence #, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle’s plate #).
- If any, obtain names and phone numbers of independent witnesses.
- Forthwith, attend with your vehicle at the CRC most convenient to you within the jurisdiction the collision took place in.
- BRING YOUR DOCUMENTATION with you to the CRC (driver’s licence, ownership and insurance).
Does the CRC Take Fail to Remain Collision Reports?
YES – The CRC will take property damage only fail to remain reports. A police unit will be dispatched if the suspect vehicle is still in the area of the collision.
Towed Vehicles
A message from the Toronto Police Service.
City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545 Article VI forbids tow truck operators from recommending a body shop or other repair facility to you. Under Chapter 545, if requested, tow truck operators are required to show you a copy of the rate schedule they have filed with the City of Toronto.
Your Vehicle – Your Responsibility
- You have the option to use the tow truck at the scene.
- You may choose to use another tow truck of your choice.
- If you do not have a choice of tow truck, you may wish to use a Toronto Police Service Contract tow company (police Contract rates may not apply).
- Please make sure you ask to see the tow truck schedule of rates before you enter into any agreement to tow your vehicle.
Once at the CRC you have 24 hours free storage to allow you time to contact your insurance company, or make other arrangements for your vehicle. It is recommended that you call your insurer or broker from the CRC. Telephones are provided for your use.
Make sure that you understand the insurance coverage that applies to your vehicle.
What Is A Collision Reporting Centre?
A Collision Reporting Centre is a facility where the members of the public can report traffic collisions to meet provincial legal requirements and insurance needs.
Ontario law requires all collisions where persons are injured, or where property damage exceeds $2,000 among all vehicles involved, to be reported to the police.
Steps to be taken by all drivers before arriving at the Collision Reporting Centre:
- Check the “Exceptions” that follow to determine if police presence is required.
- If it is safe to do so, remove vehicle from the roadway.
- Exchange information with the other involved drivers/parties, including independent witnesses. Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle information, including plate number.
- As soon as possible, go to the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle. If your vehicle is drivable you have 48 hours to report your collision. If your vehicle is disabled and requires a tow, the tow company will transport you and your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre directly from the scene.
- Bring your documentation with you to the Collision Reporting Centre – driver’s licence, ownership and insurance. The driver must report to the Collision Reporting Centre with the vehicle.
The Collision Reporting Centre can be used to process collisions that do not fall into one of the categories below.
In these circumstances, police will need to respond and investigate the collision:
(Note: you may be referred to the CRC at the officer’s discretion despite these exceptions. If so, you must comply.)
- Significant injuries or fatal injuries;
- Damage to property that presents a safety concern;
- Collisions involving criminal activity, suspended drivers or vehicles being operated without insurance;
- Collisions causing very significant traffic blockages (after blockage is clear attending officer may direct to CRC);
- Fail to remains where suspect vehicle is identifiable and in the area;
- Collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists who have been injured (In the event the cyclist or pedestrian do not remain at the scene of the collision, it can subsequently be reported at a Collision Reporting Centre);
- Hazardous or dangerous goods are being transported;
- Vehicles that require being towed from the scene outside of CRC operating hours;
- Collisions involving trains (including LRT vehicles).