
A Collision Reporting Centre is a Police and private facility that assists motorists in reporting motor vehicle collisions to the Police and, if applicable, to the driver's insurer.

The Highway Traffic Act requires that all collisions where persons are injured, or damage valued at more than $2000.00 to vehicles or property, or damage to any highway property be reported to Police forthwith.

You can start report from your own device and finish the report in at the CRC; location information and hours below.

Start From Your Device

Taking a picture of each other’s information on your phone is a quick way to exchange information accurately!

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Steps to be taken by all drivers before arriving at the Collision Reporting Centre:
  1. Check the Exceptions list that follows to determine if police presence is required.
  2. If it is safe to do so, remove vehicle from the roadway.
  3. Exchange information with the other involved drivers/parties, including independent witnesses. Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle information, including driver’s licence and plate number.
  4. As soon as possible, go to the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle.
    • If you vehicle is drivable you have 72 hours to report your collision. If you vehicle is disabled and needs a tow, the tow company will transport you and your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre directly from the scene.
    • During business hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm), vehicles requiring a tow from the scene MUST BE towed directly to the Collision Reporting Centre.
    • During non-business hours, vehicles can be towed to the location of your choice (i.e. your home). You have 72 hours to attend the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle. You can also attend any operational ASSI Collision Reporting Centre location. Your tow company shall return your vehicle to the CRC the next business day at their earliest convenience for photographs.
  5. Bring your documentation with you to the Collision Reporting Centre (driver’s licence, vehicle registration and insurance). The driver must report to the Collision Reporting Centre with the vehicle.


Motor vehicle collisions occurring in the City of Windsor ONLY, may be referred to the CRC except in the following circumstances;

  • Collisions resulting in death, serious bodily harm/bodily harm and ANY case where an involved party is transported to the hospital by EMS;
  • Fail to remain collisions reported to police from the scene, where the suspect information is known or evidence exists that is likely to identify the suspect (i.e. video evidence, debris at scene);
  • Collisions involving government, municipal or services vehicles; (Police, Fire, EMS, plows, trucks, buses etc.);
  • Collisions involving vehicles carrying hazardous/dangerous goods;
  • Collisions involving criminal activity, suspended drivers, no insurance or when alcohol or drug use is a factor;
  • Collisions where a disturbance has developed between the involved parties;
  • Collisions causing traffic blockages (Where no other exception exists, once cleared, drivers may be directed to CRC);
  • Damage to property that creates a safety concern. (Damage to private or public property (i.e. fence, utility pole) may be referred to CRC after an officer attends to determine ownership, and any safety concerns, if no safety concerns exist, the rightful owner is identified and CRC criteria is met, driver(s) may be directed to CRC.)
Accident Support Services