
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

Community Safety and Crime Prevention Award, OACP

The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Award is presented by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) in recognition of police agencies and community partners working together to improve community well-being and safety.  Superintendent Carolyn Bishop of the York Regional Police Service was the recipient of the 2017 award for her leadership in establishing the YRP Run for It Mental Health Program, a program extolling the benefits of exercise on the mind and body.  Working with York Region High Schools, the YRP Mental Health Support Team and program partners Flow Marketing and the Running Room Aurora, Supt. Bishop promotes self-care in educating young people on the use of exercise in helping to deal with mental health issues.  Young woman are a focus of the program because of unique mental health challenges they face.  The program’s goal is to provide youth with early access to strong social support when dealing with mental health challenges and lessen the need for shelters, police engagement and repeated hospitalization.

ASSI President Steve Sanderson was pleased to attend the OACP AGM to present this award to Supt. Bishop.

Photo l-r – Chief Eric Jolliffe, York Regional Police Service; ASSI President Steve Sanderson; Supt. Carolyn Bishop; Deputy Chief Andre Crawford (York Regional Police Service).

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