A Collision Reporting Centre is a facility where the members of the public can report traffic collisions to meet provincial legal requirements and insurance needs.

Ontario law requires all collisions where persons are injured, or where property damage exceeds $5,000 among all vehicles involved, to be reported to the police.

You can start your report from your own device and finish the report at the CRC; location information and hours are below.

Start From Your Device

Niagara Regional Police

Keep in mind you MUST report to the nearest Collision Reporting Centre in the jurisdiction where the collision actually took place, and not the location closest to your home address.

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Always remember to exchange essential information, such as contact and insurance details, at the time of the collision before leaving the scene.

The Collision Reporting Centres (CRC) is available to drivers involved in collisions within the Niagara Region which meets the criteria for reporting at the CRC.

Reporting Criteria

  • Property damage in any amount.
  • No fatalities, or where only minor injuries are obtained (including but not limited to sore neck/back, concussions, minor scrapes or similar).
  • No criminal activity, such as impaired driving, stolen vehicle or dangerous driving is suspected.
  • Not a dangerous goods hauler.
  • Not a government federal or provincial vehicle. Municipal vehicles where there are only minor injuries (see above) are to report to the CRC. This includes, but is not limited to cruisers, buses, plows, trucks etc.
  • No damage to private property and/or highway. If there is damage to private property and/or highway, an Officer will attend, provide an incident number, and then refer to the CRC.
  • For a ‘Fail to Remain’ or ‘Fail to Report’, where a police officer attends and determines there are no witnesses or physical evidence.

Collision that fit the above criteria may be referred to the CRC if the drivers are able to attend the CRC in a timely manner (48 hours) and the drivers have no objection to attending the CRC.

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