Sault Ste. Marie

A Collision Reporting Centre is a facility where the members of the public can report traffic collisions to meet provincial legal requirements and insurance needs.

Ontario law requires all collisions where persons are injured, or where property damage exceeds $5,000 among all vehicles involved, to be reported to the police.

You can start your report from your own device and finish the report at the CRC; location information and hours below.

Start From Your Device

To serve the people of Sault Ste. Marie and Prince Township and to provide safety and an improved quality of life in the Community through excellence in policing.

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Steps to be taken by all drivers before arriving at the Collision Reporting Centre:
  1. Check the Exceptions list that follow to determine if police presence is required.
  2. If it is safe to do so, remove vehicle from the roadway.
  3. Exchange information with the other involved drivers/parties, including independent witnesses. Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle information, including driver’s licence and plate number.
  4. As soon as possible, go to the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle. If your vehicle is driveable, please attend one of the collision reporting centres with your vehicle as soon as possible. If your vehicle is disabled and requires a tow, the tow company will transport you and your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre directly from the scene.
  5. Bring your documentation with you to the Collision Reporting Centre (driver’s licence, vehicle registration and insurance). The driver must report to the Collision Reporting Centre with the vehicle.


  • Collision involving a fatality
  • Collisions involving injuries requiring transport to hospital by ambulance from scene
  • Collisions that include criminal activity; impaired driving, stolen vehicles, assault, etc
  • Damage to public vehicles, property, municipal and highway
  • Collisions involving hazardous materials
  • Collisions involving hit and run where suspect vehicle is still in the area
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