Keep in mind you MUST report to the nearest Collision Reporting Centre in the jurisdiction where the collision actually took place, and not the location closest to your home address.
Motor Vehicle Collisions
The collision must have taken place in South Simcoe.
Steps to be taken by all drivers before arriving at the Collision Reporting Centre:
- Check the Exceptions list that follow to determine if police presence is required.
- If it is safe to do so, remove vehicle from the roadway.
- Exchange information with the other involved drivers/parties, including independent witnesses. Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance and vehicle information, including driver’s licence and plate number.
As soon as possible, go to the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle.
- If you vehicle is drivable you have 72 hours to report your collision. If you vehicle is disabled and needs a tow, the tow company will transport you and your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre directly from the scene.
- During business hours (Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm), vehicles requiring a tow from the scene MUST BE towed directly to the Collision Reporting Centre.
- During non-business hours, vehicles can be towed to the location of your choice (i.e. your home). You have 72 hours to attend the Collision Reporting Centre with your vehicle. You can also attend any operational ASSI Collision Reporting Centre location. Your tow company shall return your vehicle to the CRC the next business day at their earliest convenience for photographs
- Bring your documentation with you to the Collision Reporting Centre (driver’s licence, vehicle registration and insurance). The driver must report to the Collision Reporting Centre with the vehicle.
- Injuries (requiring ambulance) or fatal injuries
- Criminal activity – examples include: impaired driving, stolen vehicle, dangerous driving, etc
- Property damage to fixed or moveable objects that present a safety concern (May be referred after hazardous situation is eliminated)
- School buses transporting students
- Dangerous or hazardous goods are being transported
- Fail to remain collisions where an officer determines there is evidence or witnesses
- Officer discretion
Without exception, during business hours, towed vehicles must go directly to the police reporting centre from the scene of the collision.