ASSI Founder Presented with Diamond Jubilee Medal

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrated the 60th Anniversary of her accession to the Throne in February, 2012. For over a year, the Commonwealth has been celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. A commemorative medal was struck to mark this event as a tangible way to recognize outstanding Canadians who contribute to society and the country through their service and achievement.
ASSI founder and President Steve Sanderson has been honoured by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) as a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his “significant achievements and continuous contribution to the CACP mandate of leading progressive change in policing.” The notification letter from CACP President Chief Constable Jim Chu to Mr. Sanderson noted that the “criteria for this medal included continuous leadership in achieving the mandate of the CACP, continuous and diligent effort toward the betterment of the CACP and committee and function participation. Your dedication and commitment to the CACP is duly recognized and greatly appreciated.”
Mr. Sanderson was presented with his Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal at the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) annual Conference in Peterborough in June of this year. Mr. Sanderson said that he is truly honoured and humbled by this exceptional award recognition. Everyone at Accident Support Services International is very proud to work as part of Mr. Sanderson’s team and thrilled at this wonderful tribute to his dedication and service.