Collision Reporting Centre a Hit in Sarnia, Extension Granted

Sarnia’s Collision Reporting Centre (CRC) has been given the green light to continue operating for at least another five years.
The police services board agreed Thursday morning to extend the agreement with Sarnia Accident Support Services Ltd. until May 31, 2025.
Board Chair Mayor Mike Bradley said a nine-month pilot project has proved very successful.
“The original apprehensions with the public and everything else did not come to the level that we thought it would,” said Bradley. “It seemed to be accepted fairly well in the community. I think that’s a compliment to all of those involved in it.”
Police board member Mike Stark is pleased about the extension.
“I want to compliment all of the people involved with this,” he said. “I think it’s been a tremendous addition and a raging success in terms of how it’s come off. The fact that we’re now looking at a five-year extension suggests to me that this is the way that we should be going.”
Over 1,000 motor vehicle crashes have been diverted to the centre at police headquarters since it opened on June 11 of last year.
Police say the centre’s success has allowed officers to proactively address other traffic concerns and community issues.