
Friday, December 14th, 2012

Excellence in Policing Recognized by Accident Support Services International

Steve Sanderson, President of Accident Support Services International Ltd., attended the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police 2012 Annual Conference in London Ontario to present two policing awards sponsored by the company. The Greater Sudbury Police Service was presented with the 2012 OACP Community Policing Award for their Crime Prevention through Community Mobilization project.

The Sudbury service developed this program to address crime, disorder and social development issues in neighborhoods which generated the most calls for service utilizing a higher proportion of police resources. The police were able to positively impact the entire community through instituting situational crime prevention measures and increasing social development efforts in high-demand neighbourhoods. Community partners in their efforts included the Social Planning Council of Sudbury, the Childrens’ Aid Society, Better Beginnings/Better Futures and N.O.A.H. (New Opportunities and Hope) in Zone 30.

Toronto Police Service Constable Jaime Knox received the 2012 OACP School Resources Officer Award of Excellence. This award recognizes a police officer who contributes to the overall well-being of students and the community at large in an exemplary manner, working to bridge the gap between students, schools, communities and the police.

Constable Knox was honoured for her work at Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute where she has established a school group called “Sisterhood” which addresses female on female bullying in a positive and proactive manner, and the “Guide to Pride” leadership program helping at-risk youth to become leaders and role models in their school and community.

Accident Support Services International Ltd. is pleased to honor and congratulate the Greater Sudbury Police Service and Toronto Police Constable Jaime Knox for their continuing efforts to better their communities.

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