Guelph CRC Open

The new Guelph Collision Reporting Center opened its doors to the public on Wednesday, June 22, 2011. The Guelph CRC is located in the Clair Road Emergency Sevices Centre at 160 Clair Road West, in Guelph. The center is in operation from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and from noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The CRC is closed on statutory holidays.
Guelph Police Services will direct citizens involved in minor collisions to the new Center where CRC staff will assist them to make their accident report, place a “Damage Reported to Police” sticker on their car, photograph the damage and offer them the opportunity to make immediate contact with their insurer. The goal of Accident Support Services International is to facilitate an active partnership between the police and insurers in post accident care by providing knowledgeable advice and asistance to accident victims with empathy, integrity and availability.
Guelph Police Chief Rob Davis was quoted in the opening event Press Release, “This is an excellent example of a partnership that will provide enhanced service to the community while allowing police to re-deploy resources to higher priority needs”. “In these challenging times of doing more with less, partnerships such as this exemplify the benefits of public and private sector partners working together and we look forward to this opportunity.” Chief Davis also told the Guelph Tribune that he is looking forward to the ability to access detailed collision data and reports through the ASSI computer system (CROMS).
Guelph Police will continue to respond to and investigate collisions involving injury, damage to private property or suspected criminal activity.