
Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Medicine Hat CRC opens!

Medicine Hat is now home to Alberta’s second Collision Reporting Center. Accident Support Services International President Steve Sanderson and VP Bob Gutwein attended March 6 at the new location at 884 2nd Street SE to take part in the Grand Opening Ceremonies.

Partnering with the Medicine Hat Police Service, ASSI will provide accident reporting services to the citizens of Medicine Hat, at no cost to the public or the Police as participating insurance companies fund the program. Medicine Hat Police will be able to reallocate officers to higher priority calls for service and have access to ASSI’s Microsoft and ICTA Award winning Collision Reporting and Occurrence Management System CROMS for analytics to assist them in proactive traffic enforcement.

In his address to those gathered at the opening ceremony, Medicine Hat Chief of Police Any McGrogan said, “This was not done on a whim. We’ve had about five years of conversations, starting at the CACP conferences…we had to make sure this was right for our community, right for our Police Service.” “I have every confidence that this will work.” Chief McGrogan went on to remark that the CRC will bring benefit to the Service and convenience and safety to the taxpayers of Medicine Hat. ASSI would like to thank Chief McGrogan, Inspector Tim McGough, Staff Sergeant Brent Secondiak, Sergeant Stacey Kesler, Constable David Chow and the Medicine Hat Police Service for their vote of confidence in our Collision Reporting Center and CROMS programs.

CRC Manager Jamie Santoni, her staff and everyone at Accident Support Services will work diligently to ensure a successful program for Medicine Hat. The Medicine Hat Collision Reporting Center is located at 884 2nd Street SE. Their hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays.

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