
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Bryan Gast of Équité, Defending Against Insurance Crimes

Accident Support Services International Ltd. (ASSI) hosted its fall user group meeting in November. The user group is an event held bi-annually at the Toronto East Collision Reporting Centre (CRC) and is comprised of member insurance companies and police representatives.

The fall meeting, focused in on the critical issue of rising auto thefts, aiming to arm insurers with strategic insights on the fight against stolen vehicles. To deliver the presentation was Bryan Gast,
Vice President, Investigative Services, Équité Association. Équité Association is a national organization that works to reduce and prevent insurance fraud and crime with a goal to create safer
communities for all honest, hardworking Canadians.

Mr. Gast presented on Equité’s dynamic approach to addressing auto theft, underscoring the importance of teamwork and the innovative Investigation Coordination and Support Service (ICSS) for fraud detection and prevention. The fight includes investigative services, intelligence & engagement, advanced analytics and countermeasures. The session also included insightful discussion on the rising trend of vehicle thefts across Canada, including detailing successful strategies like the KeyReads program, which aids in vehicle identification and recovery. This information was beneficial for insurers as they deal with the impact of an increase in claims related to theft, and crucial for the protection of the public to mitigate potential vehicle thefts.

The user group meetings are an excellent opportunity to learn about industry advancements, engage in meaningful collaboration and network amongst peers. The meetings are held biannually,
and all insurers and police are welcome to attend.

Please reach out to for an invitation or to RSVP for the next meeting.

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